In this Design Pattern we are going to show you how to reshape data where there are repeating fields which have the same name. This is a common structure that you may encounter when new ...
This weekly challenge takes a look at creating unique combinations. This is a common requirement when you append many similar fields together. Chris provides a walkthrough of this weekly challenge, which not only is built ...
Every come across a dataset where there are a mixture of date formats used, such as dd-MM-yyyy, yyyy/MM/dd, MM-dd-yyyy? Using regex to solve for this by spotting patterns in the text could be the answer. ...
However you use Alteryx, it is likely that you will need to work with delimited text files. This is a core skill you will need to be able to parse the data into the relevant ...
This weekly challenge gets the user to build out a moving average over two different periods. Follow along with this challenge to learn how the multi row formula tool can be used to calculate moving ...
In Alteryx it is not possible to do conditional joins like you can is SQL. Therefore to solve this weekly challenge you need to generate data to join the customers to the sales person data. ...
A common requirement is to get the post code (zip code for the US readers) from an address. When the address fields are concatenated into a single row of data the post code, while being ...
Use Case: You’ve got lots of fields where that data is in the same format, but you want to quickly make a variety of changes to that data, but it’s tiresome needing to go through ...
This post sets out three different ways to change the behaviour of a tool container using a radio button in the app interface. The use case for this is with analytic apps where depending on ...
In my second post in the three ways to do something in Alteryx series, I take a look at how to update a value in a batch macro. For those who are not familiar, batch ...