Use Case: I have come across many scenarios where there just isn’t a nice simple clean way to filter on numerous columns AND records. Now if you read my previous post you learned about how ...
Use Case: I have spoken with many users tasked with parsing HTML or XML data, serialized data, or even unstructured data, and many of them end up doing this task with 10-20 tools just to ...
Use Case: You have data that you want to summarize or get rid of duplicates and in developing a workflow realize that the data gets automatically sorted on the output, but you would like to ...
Use Case: This is what we call a BOGO friends. If you want to know how to use a Join to filter records this works but also I always get questions about how does someone ...
Use Case: You want to know something can work (ie test) or you want to get started on a project or keep moving while data at the source might have a problem that is being ...
Use Case: You want the top paid sales person per region or the top product by sales or anything of the sort. By using the combo of sorting and the sample tool you can get ...
Use Case: You have a long list of items that you want to filter your SQL query down to for better performance. It can be difficult and painful to have to type many values. Fortunately ...
Use Case: You have data with multiple columns that might either be null or have a specific value that you don’t want. An easy way to dynamically get rid of those columns is to use ...